The Journey To Autonomous

Operational And Business Success Requires Increased Safety, Reliability And Efficiency, Plus The Flexibility To Adapt To Market Innovations And Pressures. Technology Is Providing A Timely Response To Industry Needs— Including The Desire For Preparedness And Resilience—And Industrial Autonomy Is The Thoroughfare To This Next Level Of Performance.

Autonomous operations is about leveraging technology to improve performance.  In an autonomous car, it means improving safety by leveraging the power of technology to avoid human error.  With industrial autonomy, it means improving production, throughput, yield, reliability, and efficiency by making better use of process data. 

Let’s talk about the journey toward industrial autonomy, a journey along a continuum with five levels: 

   • Level 1:  Controlled and optimized operations 

   • Level 2:  Intelligent operations 

   • Level 3:  Remote operations 

   • Level 4:  Resilient operations 

   • Level 5:  Autonomous operations

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