

CCC White Paper

Fight the Surge

Learn how to win against surge.

The best fighters enter the ring with a strategy. When it comes to dealing with surge, such a strategy should include a properly tuned and proactive recycle trip response.

In this white paper, CCC's Nabil Abu-Khader explains the relationship between the deviation (DEV) — the space between the operating point and surge control line — to surge. Abu-Khader then demonstrates how a proactive recycle trip response can help move the operating point away from the surge control line (SCL), thus avoiding a surge event.

ExcerptCompressor Controls Corp. (CCC)’s coordinates for antisurge control take into consideration the reduced flow squared, q2sr vs the reduced head, hpr or compression ratio, Rc. The distance between the operating point and the surge control line (SCL) of a centrifugal or axial compressor is called the deviation (DEV). Typically, once DEV becomes negative, antisurge controllers Nabil Abu-Khader, Compressor Controls Corp. (CCC), UAE, explains the effect of a proactive recycle trip response in antisurge control.

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Achieve safe compressor operation using properly configured antisurge control lines.

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