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Honeywell’s non-contacting C-Frame mount thickness sensors perform on-line aluminum sheet and foil thickness measurements, helping rolled aluminum producers achieve faster rolling speeds, tighter gauge quality control and reduced mill downtime.

Honeywell’s non-contacting C-Frame mount thickness sensors perform on-line aluminum sheet and foil thickness measurements, helping rolled aluminum producers achieve faster rolling speeds, tighter gauge quality control and reduced mill downtime. 

Key Features: 
  • Wide Measurement Ranges & Wide sensor gaps, up to 200 mm (8 inches) 
  • Enhanced Resolution 
  • Unique measurement mode to work across broad range of alloys 
  • Fully calibrated and corrected analog thickness signal, updated at 1 ms intervals 
  • Automatic 3-point standardization 
  • C-Frame retract mechanism 
What Problems Does It Solve?
High-speed, high-flux X-Ray sensor technology ensures best in class accuracy.
Wide sensor gap provides simple and effective way to maximize service access for maintenance, during threading and sheet breaks.
Wide thickness range covered by a single calibration - improving precision while reducing maintenance of calibration.
Diagnostic signals from sensor components for easy diagnostics and maintenance.
Low susceptibility to errors caused by composition variations eliminating the need for spectral analysis of the material. 
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