
Station Automation

SCS 2500

SCS 2500 is a high-performance automation system with SCADA and DCS functionality. This station control system can handle highly complex gas control challenges in the most technically and economically possible way.

SCS 2500 offers:
  • Outlet pressure control
  • Inlet pressure control
  • Meter protection
  • Flow control (standard and actual)
  • Gas mixing control
  • Cascade control (primary and secondary control tasks)
  • Gas temperature control
  • Dewpoint control
  • Optimizing of gas supply
It is useful for applications including:
  • Storage management
  • Network management
  • Biogas plants
  • Process data collection and long-term storage
PLC with multi panel (HMI system)
Inexpensive automation system for minor and medium tasks in natural gas stations​
  • Operating and monitoring process parameters
  • List of messages indicating station status/conditions Graphs
  • Password protection
  • Remote connections using remote protocols IEC 60870-5-104(101) (or others)
  • Quick customer support via remote maintenance software
  • Handling of all control functions in a typical natural gas station
PLC with panel PC (SCADA system)
Automation system for medium and major tasks in natural gas stations
  • Operating and monitoring process parameters
  • List of messages indicating station status/conditions
  • Process data collection and storage
  • Graphs with scroll and zoom functions
  • Password protection
  • Remote connections using remote protocols IEC 60870-5-104(101) (or others)
  • Quick Honeywell customer support via remote maintenance software
  • Handling of all control functions in a typical natural gas station
Redundant PLC with PC technology, control system for high-end solutions
Automation system forthe highest requirements due to redundant and/or fail-safe design
  • Comprehensive process visualization
  • Message system
  • Convenient handling of graphs using scroll and zoom functions
  • Internet-based plant supervision (webserver – client structure)
  • Fully configurable user/operator management with multiple access right levels
  • Remote connections using remote protocols IEC 60870 – 5 – 104 (101) (or others)
  • Collection and long-term storage of process data complete with backup functions (e.g., external hard disc)
  • Data can be exported to MS Office formats (e.g., Excel)
  • Handling of all control functions in a typical natural gas station
System solution for remote tasks
According to the IEC 60870-5-101 and 104 standards, communication between remote and control equipment & stations from different manufacturers is possible. The variance and variabilities provided by these standards make it possible to synchronize specific profiles from different manufacturers using an interoperability list.

User Benefits:
  • Reduced investment costs with improved performance and safe transfer
  • Compact design
  • Flexible integration of new stations into the existing control system
  • Extension of existing stations with guaranteed transparency due to global standards with the IEC 60870-5-101 and 104 protocols
  • Comprehensive monitoring & control solutions
  • Reduced station complexity
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