Discontinued: Gas
Honeywell TwinSonic plus ultrasonic gas meters use market-leading technology to deliver accuracy and valuable insight to custody transfer applications in the natural gas value chain.
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TwinSonicplus ultrasonic gas meter delivers accuracy and insight to boost the reliability, performance and efficiency of custody transfer applications.
How Does It Work?
TwinSonicplus uses market-leading technology from the field-proven Q.Sonicplus USM for its primary measurement. A patented six-path configuration provides detailed flow profile recognition, superb noise immunity, and unrivaled pressure and gas velocity abilities.
Using reflective paths and sophisticated diagnostics, the ultrasonic meter quickly identifies fouling or liquids inside the pipe. Fiscal measurements are fully compliant with AGA9, type approved (MID) by NMi, and explosion approved according to ATEX, IECEx, FM and CSA. With four double reflection paths (swirl paths) and two single reflection paths (axial paths), the primary measurement will provide compliant fiscal measurements even in case of a failure of one path of each type (axial/swirl).
What Problems Does It Solve?
Market leading ultrasonic metering technology, advanced diagnostics and easy-to-use software delivers the highest levels of accuracy, confidence, cost-effectiveness and long-term reliability.
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