Self-Recuperative and Radiant Tube Burners
Single Ended Radiant Tube Burner (SER)
Outstanding Fuel Efficiency Low Nox
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Features & Benefits:
- The new, high efficiency recuperator design incorporates a unique dual finned combustor to provide an increased heat transfer surface for greater fuel savings
- SER v5 delivers exceptional heat flux and temperature uniformity
- SER V5 cuts fuel costs from 35% to 55% over sealed ambient air burners and even more when replacing atmospheric type burners
- NOx emissions are reduced by more than 50% over conventional recuperative burners
- Self-recuperative design eliminates the need for external recuperators and insulated piping
- The insulated mounting flange and exhaust housing improve heat recovery while creating a much cooler working environment
- Burners can be installed either vertically or horizontally in nearly any furnace, either gas or electric
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