Safety Systems
Safety Manager
Safety Manager is a SIL 3 certified system, which minimizes incidents, maximizes production uptime, reduces the cost of compliance and manages plant safety.
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Safety Manager combines a rack based design with remote IO capabilities. Introducing Universal IO, Safety Manager can help customers distribute their safety control architecture across the plant(s) saving money by reducing wiring and conduit.
What Is It?
Safety Manager is part of the Experion Process Knowledge System (PKS), providing a Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 1-3 certified safety platform. Its cyber secure architecture is certified by the Embedded Device Security Assurance program as defined by the ISA Security Compliance Institute. Universal Safety I/O further enables flexibility, allowing process manufacturers to integrate multiple safety devices while simplifying engineering and reducing installation and maintenance costs.
How Does It Work?
Safety Manager integrates process safety data, applications, system diagnostics and critical control strategies, and executes SIL-defined safety application logic in a fully redundant (2oo4D) architecture. Safety Builder, an intuitive and comprehensive engineering tool, provides plant-wide management of safety-critical databases and application programming for easy network design. Universal Safety I/O enables maximum architectural flexibility and lowest cost of ownership when safety is required at distributed locations. Based on Universal Channel technology, it allows each channel to be configured individually for a different I/O type, eliminating the need for marshalling cabinets, home run cables and junction boxes at remote locations.
What Problems Does It Solve?
Safety Manager ensures compliance with safety standards, improves system reliability and increases process uptime, resulting in a safe production environment and operational savings. Universal Safety IO (USIO) technology allows for Safety Manager remote IO to be placed in hazardous locations, significantly reducing engineering costs and project schedules when applied broadly across a project. This approach is ideally suited to highly distributed applications such as oil and gas upstream applications, and reduces costs while increasing availability and efficiency.
Installation Instructions
Data Sheet
Case Study
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