Discontinued: Burners & Heat Exchangers
Air-Oil Burner for glass melting applications, designed with an adjustable atomizing orifice. Easy to use, and can be used with any grade of fuel oil.
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The replacement product is the BrightFire 200 with Oil Insert.
The 03FA is a liquid fuel mixture head burner, with adjustable atomization orifice design. The burner is easy to use, with an adjustable flame control and reliable and proven features. It is capable of combustion with fuel oil of any graduation. 03FA has been widely used in regenerative glass furnaces where hot combustion air is supplied by means of the regenerator. The burner design has a very efficient medium pressure simplex injector (20 to 45 psig) for fuel oil atomization. The Venturi atomizer is made of high quality temperature resistant stainless steel to withstand extreme radiation.
Features & Benefits:
- Flame shape, flame length and heat release are controlled by adjusting the atomizing air flow rate
- Flame shapes are typically long and luminous, but can be easily adjusted to a shorter, sharper shape
- Superior atomization ensures complete burning of fuel for better efficiency
- Can be fired in any standard position
- Ruggedly built to withstand hot, dirty environments
- Minimal maintenance and long service life
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