
Test Equipment


Our range of test equipment covers single test normals up to complete test rigs.

In many countries worldwide from China over Poland and Russia to Australia ELSTER supplies test rigs as partner of metrological institutes, gas suppliers and equipment manufacturers, or operates them together with partners. Thus the high pressure test rig “Pigsar” in Germany which represents the national normal for natural gas, was built for the “Ruhrgas”, the project was completely handled by ELSTER.

Today a maximum of flexibility is required by modern test rigs for gas meters and at the same time highest accuracy and short test periods. These requirements are optimally fulfilled with our test rigs. The equipments are customized configured. The measurement equipment, the test procedure as well as the equipment tests are carried out in accordance with the PTB standards, the system is accredited by the German based PTB (Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt) as well as metrological offices from other states (e.g. NMI – Nederlands Meetinstituut).
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