Medium Pressure Regulators up to PN16 (ANSI 150)
HON 226 ZS0, a gas pressure regulator used for maintaining zero pressure in gas regulating lines. The spring-loaded gas pressure regulator offers a high level of accuracy in regulating gas
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- Bubble-tight shut-off
- Inlet pressure compensation
- High regulating accuracy
- Optional internal and external measuring impulse connections
- Horizontal mounting position with springloaded pin downwards
- Setpoint may be adjusted from external device
- Suitable for natural, non-aggressive and manufactured gases; nitrogen, carbon dioxide and propane; and other gases upon enquiry
- CE registration according to GAD
- Max. inlet pressure pu max: up to 0.5 bar
- Outlet pressure range Wd: 0.002 to +0.002 bar
- Connection: DIN flange PN16 for pipe size: DN 50, DN 65, DN 80, DN 100, DN 150
- Temperature range: -20 to 60 °C
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