

Moisture Sensors

For papermakers, accurate and reliable moisture measurement is key for optimizing product quality while minimizing drying energy usage and cost.

What Is It? 
Moisture sensors measure the mass of water in a sheet, using either transmission or single-sided techniques.  When a transmission moisture sensor is used in conjunction with a weight sensor, it is possible to calculate the percentage of the total sheet which is water, and how much is dry fiber.  Single-sided moisture sensors can measure percentage moisture directly, without the need for a weight sensor. 

How Does It Work? 
For light to medium grades, moisture can be measured using a transmission, or single-sided, infrared sensor.  For heavier grades, a transmission microwave sensor is used.  The measurement is based on determining how much infrared or microwave energy is absorbed by water in the sheet. 

What Problems Does It Solve? 
Accurate moisture measurement throughout the papermaking process allows for optimal drying to achieve product quality targets.  It also allows the papermaker to either minimize energy usage to meet cost targets or increase production speed to meet production goals.  Moisture measurements can be sent to the cloud based QCS 4.0 solution for advanced monitoring, analysis, and further Quality Control System optimization. 
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