

Improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness and boost your business with Honeywell Connected OEM, the end-to-end, customizable solution for connecting the industrial IoT


Get more from your assets with Honeywell Connected OEM

Connected OEM gives original equipment manufacturers at-a-glance dashboards to remotely monitor their installed base: to track health, diagnose and troubleshoot issues, and cut site visits and corrective maintenance costs.

It also creates revenue opportunities for services, spares, and consumables, as well as through performance-based contract models. Crucially, by driving up the performance of assets, informing design choices and delivering overall equipment effectiveness, Connected OEM helps build customer loyalty, protect your reputation, and secure more repeat business and new sales

Grow your business and strengthen the connection to your customers

OEE Improvement

Conduct correlated analyses to improve asset OEE with a consolidated multi-site, multi-asset view and comparisons that allow for systemic issue identification

Reduce asset downtime and the associated monetary losses by extending your equipment’s availability 

Service Efficiency

Access real-time data in a collaborative way in order to detect potential issues and optimize asset performance.

Lower the services cost and optimize the travel expenses by remotely monitoring your assets’ health 

Profitable Revenue Streams

Increase the monetary value of your services with an enhanced services suite comprising break-fixes, on-demand spares and consumables, performance contract returns, commissioning, remote support, and trainings.

Use the right data to  showcase your equipment’s performance and conduct extensive Root Cause Analyses to reveal and eliminate performance issues

Customer Satisfaction

Retain and expand your customer base with an improved service delivery, higher equipment uptime, and constant visibility over  asset utilization 

Making your Industry 4.0 vision a reality

Monitor and troubleshoot your assets remotely

  • Decrease the cost linked to services by reducing the number of site trips and the expenses related to travel and living 
  • Optimize your resource planning
  • Accelerate the maintenance activities
  • Minimize equipment failure and the associated cost of downtime
  • Conduct remote analyses based on structured data and trends in order to support the engineers on site and troubleshoot failing assets effectively

Improve asset performance

  • Gather insights into assets’ performance based on comprehensive OEE calculations and supporting trend visualizations
  • Collaborate effectively with your customers by sharing asset KPIs and sending customized notifications
  • Use the collected data to improve the asset design

Create new business models

  • Develop new business models and expand your offering by adding a new service tail, outcome-based services, and value-added services to your business plan
  • Identify the right upgrades and replacement opportunities more easily and monetize the installed base 

Optimize your performance contract management

  • Improve the revenue generated by your  performance contracts by leveraging real-time data to support manufacturer claims
  • Ensure a consistent delivery of the promised performance and increase the satisfaction and trust of your customer base 
  • Enhance equipment performance based on the feedback received from the performance contracts 

Analyst Report: Guide to IoT Connectivity for Industrial OEMs
Analyst Report: Honeywell Connected OEM Leverages Industry 4.0 So Users Can Subscribe to Increased KPIs
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Get in touch with us today to find out how to strengthen the connection between you and your customers with Honeywell Connected OEM.
